What is the Best Life Tribe? And why aren't you in it??
The Best Life Tribe is a Facebook Health, Wellness and Fun group started by our Founder,  Dawn Fitch.

The Best Life Tribe explores natural health and wellness in every aspect. Mind, Body, Spirit! This Tribe is for people who are on a Journey to better health and life. We share ideas for better mind health, make natural DIY projects via livestream, learn about different ways to exercise and share the best foods with great benefits!
We are learning to live our best life and having FUN doing it!!

Every day a different topic: 

Monday MindDays: Discuss the power of the mind, from meditation to journal challenges and everything in between!

Tuesday: DIY & Tribe Share

Wednesday Wellday: Alternative healing and exercise

Thursday Food RX:  All things food and nutrition

Friday: Fun & Inspiration

Click to Join the Tribe!
